Guru Property Buyers Agent

Guru Property Buyers Agent

Aanand Iyer is the Lead Buyers Agent within Guru Property. Brisbane has been home to Aanand since 1999, and he and his partner Lakshmy been a property investor since 2003. As an investor, Aanand saw there is a huge gap in representing Buyers not only during the purchase process but also during their property journey. Seller's Agent always represent their clients (sellers) and Buyers find themselves at the loose end helpless and many times make wrong decisions which may prove expensive financially and mentally.

Guru Property Buyers Agency Service was started in 2016 to assist investors to buy their investment property in the right location, right price, provide due diligence during the purchase process and also to build their property portfolio over many years. Therefore engagement is not just 'one-time' but it's a long term which includes review portfolio every 12 months, recommending next steps in the property journey.  

Over the years, Aanand and his team have purchased number of properties in and around Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast; the Buyers Agency Services provided are in these areas. The team has assisted number of investors achieve their property investment goals and are one of most trusted and reliable Buyers Agents in SEQLD. The agency is accredited to REIQ and fully licensed to provided real estate services in QLD.

Contact Details

PO Box 4075

Springfield Lakes


0403 489 859

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